GEER Australia
Group of Energy Efficiency Researchers
GEER Australia members are driven to improve the energy related wellbeing of Australian households through our research and collaborative efforts with government bodies, not-for-profit organisations and the energy sector. We are Australia’s peak research body on residential energy efficiency, with a particular passion for supporting those most in need.


What makes GEER unique
Peak research body: GEER work focuses solely on residential energy use and challenges, with specialised experience working with vulnerable groups.
Knowledge trust: GEER brings academic and industry minds together, nationwide, with expertise in household energy efficiency and related well-being.
Diversity of scope: GEER can work on a variety of projects, with diverse cohorts, to design, evaluate, consult and/or advise as needed.
Not-for-profit: GEER is a not-for-profit entity, comprising members who volunteer their time, effort and knowledge towards improving outcomes for Australian households.